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    Have you ever wanted to venture into the world of sound synthesis and electronic music, but don't know where to get started? Do you have a need for an easy-to-use live synthesizer software but don't have the hundreds of dollars it takes to purchase native synthesizer software?

    Introducing Netstage, a browser-based synthesizer that utilizes the Web MIDI API, ToneJS (a JavaScript library based on the Web Audio API) , and NexusUI front-end components to create a dynamic, easy to use, free basic synthesizer. Netstage hopes to both lower the barriers of entry for those desiring to enter the world of synths and electronic music production as well as bridge the gap between web technologies and external hardware. Aimed specifically for keyboard players for live use, Netstage leverages emerging web technologies to create a responsive, MIDI-enabled synthesizer experience, one of the first of its kind.

    Project Members: John LaTona